Saturday, July 13th- 1PM to 2:30PM
with Debbie Achten

I know Yin is a “cool”practice,

but the heat will compliment the passive postures;

loosening the muscles, and promoting release of deep tissues. Which in turn will induce relaxation, stress and tension relief. This myofascial release will help to relieve pain, using mindful self massage with the aide of props or tools, increasing mobility and flexibility.

Tool will be given to you to take home. Room temp 79 degrees. 

Saturday, August 10th - 1PM to 2:30PM
with Jennifer Daniel

In this workshop we will learn about cacao and its powerful benefits as well as its history. We will explore how to create our own personal rituals with it and together we will explore the healing and powerful heart opening benefits.

Since cacao is a natural heart opening plant medicine as well as connects us to our intuition, we will use our ceremony to connect to limiting beliefs or unhelpful patterns of behavior we are ready to release as well as connect to our hearts true desires and connect with a way of being that we want to embody. 

We will discuss what limiting beliefs are, what transmutation is and what Sankalpa is, then we will set our intentions before moving through guided meditation centered around identifying the beliefs we’re wanting to release, letting them go and then identifying our true purpose and desire from our heart. In yoga this is known as our Sankalpa.

I will provide journaling prompts and give time to reflect, affirmations to take home and layout how to continue these rituals with cacao at home should they choose to. I will end the meditation with a brief sound bath and then we will close our ceremony with full hearts and hopefully empowered to let go of beliefs that no longer serve us, and the tools to continue that work.

Saturday, July 20th- 1PM to 2:30PM
with Amanda Castillo

Amanda Castillo is working with individuals to reduce their stress and increase their happiness. She previously was in HR for over 12 years at companies like Google and Salesforce. She studied Creative Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence, including over 2000 hours of training and mentorship from world renowned teacher, Thom Knoles, Doctor of Science of Creative Intelligence (D.Sci), expert in cognitive neuroscience, and a renowned master of consciousness and meditation. This includes over three months of intensive study as well as travel to India to be inducted into the Vedic Tradition.

We'll cover:

What are the different types of meditation?

Why do many struggle to quiet their "monkey mind"?

What are the benefits of meditation?

Why learn to meditate in a course vs. doing guided meditation on an app?

Thursday, August 15th - Sunday, August 18th
with Amanda Castillo

Thursday, August 15th:

  • Each person will meet with Amanda individually 1:1 in a 1 hour time slot
  • Gratitude Ceremony to receive your personalized meditation mantra
  • Practice meditating together

Friday, August 16: 6-7:30pm (Group Meeting)

  • Further instruction including practice specifics and how to use the mantra
  • Support on how to integrate meditation into your daily schedule
  • Dive into the mechanics of the mins
  • Group Meditation

Saturday, August 17: 1:00-2:30pm (Group Meeting)

  • Review how stress impacts the physiology
  • Diagram of how Vedic Meditation breaks the stress accumulation cycle
  • Group Meditation

Sunday, August 18: 11:30-1pm (Group Meeting)

  • Understand the milestones to expect in your meditation journey
  • Making the most of your meditation
  • Q&A
  • Group Meditation
  • Workshop Tickets are $40 each for most, 25% OFF for Members unless otherwise noted. 
